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DOT code requires an annual External Visual Inspection (V Sticker) for each specification cargo tank by a qualified and registered inspector. For cargo tanks that vacuum load (vacuum trucks, vacuum tankers, etc.) the inspection must take place every six months.  Wilmington Tank & Trailer operates a registered Cargo Tank facility and performs this External Visual Inspection as part of the annual VIK package. 

VIK Sticker Collage.png

During this inspection, the tank shell and heads are inspected for corrosion, abrasion, dents, distortion, or defects in any welds. Piping, valves, and gaskets will all be carefully and closely inspected for any signs of leakage. Any leaks found here would render the vessel unsafe for transporting cargo and will be fixed prior to certification. All emergency devices and valves will be inspected for operation, corrosion, and/or distortion.  All of the structural members will be inspected to ensure that there are no cracks or defects that might diminish the structural integrity of the tank.  Upon completion, the tanker will be marked with the DOT approved V Sticker which certifies the tanker for one year under normal operating conditions.


Wilmington Tank & Trailer performs this service as part of a full spectrum tanker inspection and repair regimen for clients in the Southeast. We will correct any deficiencies and certify your tanker so you can keep rolling.


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